Secure digitalisation thanks to cyber security concept
Published on 17 November 2022

The demand for precision parts made by Roth has been growing steadily over the last years. To keep up with the full order books, production has been continuously digitalised and automated. Accordingly, the topic of cyber security has also become increasingly important.

We run a three-shift operation which means that we produce 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to this around the clock manufacturing, we expand our staff resources (see our job vacancies) and rely on digital and automated processes to increase productivity.

Great potential

Digitalisation represents a huge opportunity for most industries – but especially for the manufacturing industry. That is why, Industry 4.0, which describes the growing trend towards interconnectivity and automation, is also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In addition to the thorough training of specialists, it is the use of intelligent digital systems that allows Switzerland, as a high-price country, to keep up with low-cost production locations. However, digitalisation also comes with it a risk: cybercrime. For this reason, we have armed ourselves against this threat with a comprehensive concept.

Technical precautions

To protect the heart of our company – the production – against digital attacks in the best possible way, we have among others taken the following two technical measures: Firstly, we have updated all the hardware and software to the very latest version. Secondly, we have separated the IT infrastructure, which is operated with two servers and a cloud solution, from the production devices (the CNC controls). By running the systems needed for production in a separate network, they are additionally secured.

Staff training

Besides technical measures, the human factor is particularly important when it comes to protection against hacker attacks. Therefore, our employees underwent training by external experts. In particular, the training strengthened the employees’ awareness so that they can immediately recognise any system malfunction and react correctly. Our employees were furthermore instructed in the correct handling of e-mails.

Alongside the implementation of our comprehensive cyber security concept, we have signed a contract with a cyber security specialist, who monitors our system 24 hours a day, analyses it and reacts proactively if necessary. Thus, all necessary measures have been taken in order to be able to meet our customers’ expectation: maintaining highly efficient production around the clock.

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